Arkcial Site Terms and Conditions

Welcome to Arkcial's terms and conditions. Thank you for choosing our platform. We believe it's important to outline the rules and guidelines for using our services, and we're glad you're here.

1. Our Services

1.1 We provide a web-based platform known as Arkcial Marketplace, Arkcial Motors, Arkcial Property, Arkcial Services, and Arkcial Jobs. Our goal is to improve the lives of our users in Hong Kong and around the world by offering an online venue to connect buyers and sellers.

In providing the Arkcial venue, we do not engage in the actual sale of items or transactions. We do not own any items listed on our site, act as agents for any party, or participate in the provision of member services.

Translation: Think of us as a digital marketplace – we provide the space, but we're not directly involved in the transactions.

1.2 Ensuring Safety and Trustworthiness:

Safety and trust are paramount to our community. Our Trust and Safety team works diligently to maintain a secure online environment. While we cannot monitor every listing or interaction, we take action against misuse of our services, including illegal or unsafe listings, violations of intellectual property rights, or offensive conduct.

You agree that we may disclose your personal information in accordance with our privacy policy, including transactional records, site interactions, and other relevant information, to relevant authorities, parties, or intellectual property rights holders.

Translation: Be respectful and law-abiding – we're here to keep things safe.

1.3 Licensing of Intellectual Property:

To use our services, we grant you a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable license. You may not adapt, reproduce, copy, distribute, or commercialize any part of the site without our prior written consent.

Translation: We own the site, but we're letting you use it within certain limits.

1.4 Changes to Services:

We continuously improve our site and services, which may involve adding or removing features. We will provide notice of any significant changes.

Translation: We're always evolving – expect updates to make things better.

2. Your Membership

2.1 Becoming a Member:

Membership is free, but you must meet eligibility criteria and provide accurate information during registration. You may not register under multiple identities. You can create both personal and business memberships.

Translation: Register once, and be honest about who you are.

2.2 Maintaining Membership:

Keep your personal and account information up to date and secure. You are responsible for all activity on your account. Membership is not transferable.

Translation: Keep your info current and your password safe.

2.3 Membership Balance:

We maintain an account for each member. You must use your account to pay all fees. Account credit is non-transferable. Promptly settle any negative balances.

Translation: Keep your account topped up, and pay your debts.

2.4 Communication:

We may contact you regarding your membership, transactions, or other activities on the site. You can unsubscribe from most emails.

Translation: We'll keep you informed, but you can opt out of most emails.

2.5 Termination:

You may terminate your membership at any time. We may restrict or terminate your access to services without prior notice.

Translation: You can leave anytime, and so can we.

3. Your General Commitment

3.1 Code of Conduct:

Act responsibly and lawfully. Prohibited activities include scraping, illegal behavior, shill bidding, classified spamming, and manipulation of seller ratings.

Translation: Play fair, follow the law, and don't try to cheat the system.

3.2 Use of Content:

You grant us a license to use the content you post on the site for various purposes, including promotion and improvement of services.

Translation: We can use what you post to make our platform better.

4. Listing and Selling

4.1 Our Fees:

Currently, there are no fees, but this may change. We will notify you of any fee adjustments.

Translation: No fees for now, but that could change.

4.2 Tax:

Listing prices must include GST (if any) and need to be upfront about any customs duties that may apply.

Translation: Be transparent about taxes and duties.

4.3 List only what you can sell or offer, and be upfront and honest.

4.4 Compliance:

We have a list of items that are banned or restricted. Sellers must adhere to auction rules and fulfill their obligations regarding delivery or pick-up.

4.5 Responding to Requests:

We may contact you to request further information about your listings, if needed.

5. Buying

5.1 Placing Bids:

Place bids responsibly, as it constitutes a legal contract. Failure to complete a transaction may result in consequences.

5.2 Restricted Pages and Items:

Adhere to age restrictions for certain pages and items.

6. Resolving Problems

6.1 Disputes with Other Members:

Attempt to resolve disputes directly with other members. We respect members' privacy in dispute resolution processes.

6.2 Disputes with Arkcial:

Contact us to resolve disputes. If necessary, pursue alternative dispute resolution options.

7. Our Rights and Limitations

7.1 Limitation of Liability:

We are not liable for any loss or damage resulting from the use of our site or services.

7.2 Enforcement:

We may take various actions in response to breaches of these terms.

7.3 Indemnity:

You agree to indemnify us against any claims related to your use of our services or breach of these terms.

8. About Our Terms

8.1 Agreement to Terms:

By using our site, you agree to abide by these terms and conditions.

8.2 Interpretation:

Clarification of terms used in these terms and conditions.

8.3 Changes to Terms:

We may update these terms at any time, with notice provided for significant changes.


These terms and conditions govern the use of our platform. By using our services, you agree to comply with these rules and guidelines.